Module maven_iuvs.time
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import datetime
import warnings
import numpy as np
import julian
import pytz
import spiceypy as spice
from import fits
from import get_files
def utc_to_sol(utc):
Converts a UTC datetime object into the equivalent Martian decimal sol and year.
utc : object
UTC datetime object.
sol : float
The decimal sol date.
my : int
The Mars year.
# constants
ns = 668.6 # number of sols in a Mars year
jdref = 2442765.667 # reference Julian date corresponding to Ls = 0
myref = 12 # jdref is the beginning of Mars year 12
# convert datetime object to Julian date
jd = julian.to_jd(utc, fmt='jd')
# calculate the sol
sol = (jd - jdref) * (86400. / 88775.245) % ns
# calculate the Mars year
my = int((jd - jdref) * (86400. / 88775.245) / ns + myref)
# return the decimal sol and Mars year
return sol, my
def et2datetime(et):
Convert an input time from ephemeris seconds past J2000 to a standard Python datetime.
This is supposed to be included in the SpiceyPy package, but didn't show up in my installation,
so I copied it here and modified it.
et : float
Input epoch in ephemeris seconds past J2000.
Output datetime object in UTC.
# convert to UTC using ISO calendar format with 6 digits of fractional precision
result = spice.et2utc(et, 'ISOC', 6)
# define the ISO calendar format for datetime
isoformat = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f'
# return the datetime object version of the input ephemeris time
return datetime.datetime.strptime(result,
def find_segment_et(orbit_number, data_directory, segment='apoapse'):
Calculates the ephemeris time at the moment of apoapsis or periapsis for an orbit. Requires data files exist for
the choice of orbit and segment. If not, use the full-mission "find_maven_apsis" function available in the "data"
sub-module. Also requires furnishing of all SPICE kernels.
orbit_number : int
The MAVEN orbit number.
data_directory : str
Absolute system path to the location containing orbit block folders ("orbit01300", orbit01400", etc.)
segment : str
For which orbit segment you want to calculate the ephemeris time. Options are 'apoapse' and 'periapse." Default
choice is 'apoapse'.
et : float
The ephemeris time for the chosen segment/orbit number.
# load files
files = get_files(orbit_number, data_directory, segment=segment)
if len(files) == 0:
raise Exception('No %s files for orbit %i.' % (segment, orbit_number))
hdul =[0])
et_start = hdul['integration'].data['et'][0]
# do very complicated SPICE stuff
target = 'Mars'
abcorr = 'NONE'
observer = 'MAVEN'
relate = ''
refval = 0.
if segment == 'periapse':
relate = 'LOCMIN'
refval = 3396. + 500.
elif segment == 'apoapse':
relate = 'LOCMAX'
refval = 3396. + 6200.
adjust = 0.
step = 60.
et = [et_start, et_start + 4800]
cnfine = spice.utils.support_types.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(2)
spice.wninsd(et[0], et[1], cnfine)
ninterval = 100
result = spice.utils.support_types.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(100)
spice.gfdist(target, abcorr, observer, relate, refval, adjust, step, ninterval, cnfine, result=result)
et = spice.wnfetd(result, 0)[0]
# return the ephemeris time of the orbit segment
return et
class ScienceWeek:
# TODO: Decide if I want to prohibit users from inputting negative
# science weeks, or dates that result in them
# TODO: Decide how to handle future science week (should I warn if
# they request science week from a future date?)
def __init__(self):
""" A ScienceWeek object can convert dates into MAVEN science weeks.
The date when IUVS began performing science.
self.__science_start_date =, 11, 11)
def science_start_date(self):
return self.__science_start_date
def get_science_week_from_date(self, some_date):
""" Get the science week number at an input date.
The date at which to get the science week.
science_week: int
The science week at the input date.
science_week = (some_date - self.__science_start_date).days // 7
return science_week
except TypeError:
raise TypeError('some_date should be of type')
def get_current_science_week(self):
""" Get the science week number for today.
science_week: int
The current science week.
science_week = self.get_science_week_from_date(
return science_week
def get_science_week_start_date(self, week):
""" Get the date when the requested science week began.
week: int
The science week.
The date when the science week started.
rounded_week = int(np.floor(week))
if week != rounded_week:
warnings.warn('This is a non-integer week.'
' Converting it to integer...')
science_week_start = (self.__science_start_date
+ datetime.timedelta(days=rounded_week * 7))
return science_week_start
except TypeError:
raise TypeError(f'week should be an int, not a {type(week)}.')
def get_science_week_end_date(self, week):
""" Get the date when the requested science week ended.
week: int
The science week.
The date when the science week ended.
return (self.get_science_week_start_date(week + 1)
- datetime.timedelta(days=1))
def get_science_week_date_range(self, week):
""" Get the date range corresponding to the input science week.
week: int
The science week.
date_range: tuple
The start and end dates of the science week.
date_range = (self.get_science_week_start_date(week),
return date_range
# TODO: Decide if I want a subclass to handle requests related to
# science week (ex. get_orbit_range_from_science_week)
# Pro: It's easy to code after making the database and it'd
# be helpful
# Con: It might be easier to make 1 utility for database
# searching and tell users to apply it to science week
def et2datetime(et)
Convert an input time from ephemeris seconds past J2000 to a standard Python datetime. This is supposed to be included in the SpiceyPy package, but didn't show up in my installation, so I copied it here and modified it.
- Input epoch in ephemeris seconds past J2000.
Output datetime object in UTC.
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def et2datetime(et): """ Convert an input time from ephemeris seconds past J2000 to a standard Python datetime. This is supposed to be included in the SpiceyPy package, but didn't show up in my installation, so I copied it here and modified it. Parameters ---------- et : float Input epoch in ephemeris seconds past J2000. Returns ------- Output datetime object in UTC. """ # convert to UTC using ISO calendar format with 6 digits of fractional precision result = spice.et2utc(et, 'ISOC', 6) # define the ISO calendar format for datetime isoformat = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f' # return the datetime object version of the input ephemeris time return datetime.datetime.strptime(result, isoformat).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc)
def find_segment_et(orbit_number, data_directory, segment='apoapse')
Calculates the ephemeris time at the moment of apoapsis or periapsis for an orbit. Requires data files exist for the choice of orbit and segment. If not, use the full-mission "find_maven_apsis" function available in the "data" sub-module. Also requires furnishing of all SPICE kernels.
- The MAVEN orbit number.
- Absolute system path to the location containing orbit block folders ("orbit01300", orbit01400", etc.)
- For which orbit segment you want to calculate the ephemeris time. Options are 'apoapse' and 'periapse." Default choice is 'apoapse'.
- The ephemeris time for the chosen segment/orbit number.
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def find_segment_et(orbit_number, data_directory, segment='apoapse'): """ Calculates the ephemeris time at the moment of apoapsis or periapsis for an orbit. Requires data files exist for the choice of orbit and segment. If not, use the full-mission "find_maven_apsis" function available in the "data" sub-module. Also requires furnishing of all SPICE kernels. Parameters ---------- orbit_number : int The MAVEN orbit number. data_directory : str Absolute system path to the location containing orbit block folders ("orbit01300", orbit01400", etc.) segment : str For which orbit segment you want to calculate the ephemeris time. Options are 'apoapse' and 'periapse." Default choice is 'apoapse'. Returns ------- et : float The ephemeris time for the chosen segment/orbit number. """ # load files files = get_files(orbit_number, data_directory, segment=segment) if len(files) == 0: raise Exception('No %s files for orbit %i.' % (segment, orbit_number)) else: hdul =[0]) et_start = hdul['integration'].data['et'][0] # do very complicated SPICE stuff target = 'Mars' abcorr = 'NONE' observer = 'MAVEN' relate = '' refval = 0. if segment == 'periapse': relate = 'LOCMIN' refval = 3396. + 500. elif segment == 'apoapse': relate = 'LOCMAX' refval = 3396. + 6200. adjust = 0. step = 60. et = [et_start, et_start + 4800] cnfine = spice.utils.support_types.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(2) spice.wninsd(et[0], et[1], cnfine) ninterval = 100 result = spice.utils.support_types.SPICEDOUBLE_CELL(100) spice.gfdist(target, abcorr, observer, relate, refval, adjust, step, ninterval, cnfine, result=result) et = spice.wnfetd(result, 0)[0] # return the ephemeris time of the orbit segment return et
def utc_to_sol(utc)
Converts a UTC datetime object into the equivalent Martian decimal sol and year.
- UTC datetime object.
- The decimal sol date.
- The Mars year.
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def utc_to_sol(utc): """ Converts a UTC datetime object into the equivalent Martian decimal sol and year. Parameters ---------- utc : object UTC datetime object. Returns ------- sol : float The decimal sol date. my : int The Mars year. """ # constants ns = 668.6 # number of sols in a Mars year jdref = 2442765.667 # reference Julian date corresponding to Ls = 0 myref = 12 # jdref is the beginning of Mars year 12 # convert datetime object to Julian date jd = julian.to_jd(utc, fmt='jd') # calculate the sol sol = (jd - jdref) * (86400. / 88775.245) % ns # calculate the Mars year my = int((jd - jdref) * (86400. / 88775.245) / ns + myref) # return the decimal sol and Mars year return sol, my
class ScienceWeek
A ScienceWeek object can convert dates into MAVEN science weeks.
science_start_date: The date when IUVS began performing science.
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class ScienceWeek: # TODO: Decide if I want to prohibit users from inputting negative # science weeks, or dates that result in them # TODO: Decide how to handle future science week (should I warn if # they request science week from a future date?) def __init__(self): """ A ScienceWeek object can convert dates into MAVEN science weeks. Properties ---------- science_start_date: The date when IUVS began performing science. """ self.__science_start_date =, 11, 11) @property def science_start_date(self): return self.__science_start_date def get_science_week_from_date(self, some_date): """ Get the science week number at an input date. Parameters ---------- some_date: The date at which to get the science week. Returns ------- science_week: int The science week at the input date. """ try: science_week = (some_date - self.__science_start_date).days // 7 return science_week except TypeError: raise TypeError('some_date should be of type') def get_current_science_week(self): """ Get the science week number for today. Returns ------- science_week: int The current science week. """ science_week = self.get_science_week_from_date( return science_week def get_science_week_start_date(self, week): """ Get the date when the requested science week began. Parameters ---------- week: int The science week. Returns ------- science_week_start: The date when the science week started. """ try: rounded_week = int(np.floor(week)) if week != rounded_week: warnings.warn('This is a non-integer week.' ' Converting it to integer...') science_week_start = (self.__science_start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=rounded_week * 7)) return science_week_start except TypeError: raise TypeError(f'week should be an int, not a {type(week)}.') def get_science_week_end_date(self, week): """ Get the date when the requested science week ended. Parameters ---------- week: int The science week. Returns ------- science_week_end: The date when the science week ended. """ return (self.get_science_week_start_date(week + 1) - datetime.timedelta(days=1)) def get_science_week_date_range(self, week): """ Get the date range corresponding to the input science week. Parameters ---------- week: int The science week. Returns ------- date_range: tuple The start and end dates of the science week. """ date_range = (self.get_science_week_start_date(week), self.get_science_week_end_date(week)) return date_range
Instance variables
var science_start_date
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@property def science_start_date(self): return self.__science_start_date
def get_current_science_week(self)
Get the science week number for today.
- The current science week.
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def get_current_science_week(self): """ Get the science week number for today. Returns ------- science_week: int The current science week. """ science_week = self.get_science_week_from_date( return science_week
def get_science_week_date_range(self, week)
Get the date range corresponding to the input science week.
- The science week.
- The start and end dates of the science week.
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def get_science_week_date_range(self, week): """ Get the date range corresponding to the input science week. Parameters ---------- week: int The science week. Returns ------- date_range: tuple The start and end dates of the science week. """ date_range = (self.get_science_week_start_date(week), self.get_science_week_end_date(week)) return date_range
def get_science_week_end_date(self, week)
Get the date when the requested science week ended.
- The science week.
- The date when the science week ended.
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def get_science_week_end_date(self, week): """ Get the date when the requested science week ended. Parameters ---------- week: int The science week. Returns ------- science_week_end: The date when the science week ended. """ return (self.get_science_week_start_date(week + 1) - datetime.timedelta(days=1))
def get_science_week_from_date(self, some_date)
Get the science week number at an input date.
- The date at which to get the science week.
- The science week at the input date.
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def get_science_week_from_date(self, some_date): """ Get the science week number at an input date. Parameters ---------- some_date: The date at which to get the science week. Returns ------- science_week: int The science week at the input date. """ try: science_week = (some_date - self.__science_start_date).days // 7 return science_week except TypeError: raise TypeError('some_date should be of type')
def get_science_week_start_date(self, week)
Get the date when the requested science week began.
- The science week.
- The date when the science week started.
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def get_science_week_start_date(self, week): """ Get the date when the requested science week began. Parameters ---------- week: int The science week. Returns ------- science_week_start: The date when the science week started. """ try: rounded_week = int(np.floor(week)) if week != rounded_week: warnings.warn('This is a non-integer week.' ' Converting it to integer...') science_week_start = (self.__science_start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=rounded_week * 7)) return science_week_start except TypeError: raise TypeError(f'week should be an int, not a {type(week)}.')