Module maven_iuvs.statistics

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import numpy as np
from sklearn import linear_model

def multiple_linear_regression(templates, spectrum, spectrum_error):
    Fits an array of templates to a spectrum using multiple linear regression (MLR).
    templates : list, arr
        Templates to fit to the spectrum in DN.
    spectrum : list, arr
        An observed spectrum in DN.
    spectrum_error : list, arr
        The uncertainty on the spectrum values in DN.
    coeff : float, arr
        The fit coefficients for the templates
    const : float
        The constant term from the fitting.

    # ensure input templates are an array with two dimensions
    X = np.array(templates)
    if X.ndim == 1:
        np.expand_dims(X, axis=0)

    # transpose templates
    X = X.T

    # ensure spectrum and error are numpy arrays
    Y = np.array(spectrum)
    Yerr = np.array(spectrum_error)

    # convert uncertainty to sample weight
    Yw = (1/Yerr)**2

    # make a linear regression model and fit the spectra with templates
    fit = linear_model.LinearRegression().fit(X, Y, sample_weight=Yw)

    # extract the coefficients and constant term
    coeff = fit.coef_
    const = fit.intercept_

    # return the coefficients and constant term
    return coeff, const

def integrate_intensity(template_wavelength, template_spectrum, calibration_curve, coefficient):
    Takes a spectrum template and MLR coefficient and calculates an integrated intensity.
    template_wavelength : array
        Spectrum wavelengths.
    template_spectrum : array
        Spectrum in DN.
    calibration_curve : array
        Conversion from DN to physical units. Assumes format is [DN/unit].
    coefficient : float
        MLR fit coefficient.
    integrated_intensity : float
        Integrated template intensity in physical units.

    # determine spectral bin spacing
    dwavelength = np.diff(template_wavelength)[0]

    # calibrate the template
    calibrated_template_spectrum = coefficient * template_spectrum / calibration_curve

    # integrate the template
    integrated_intensity = np.trapz(calibrated_template_spectrum, dx=dwavelength)

    # return the integrated intensity
    return integrated_intensity


def integrate_intensity(template_wavelength, template_spectrum, calibration_curve, coefficient)

Takes a spectrum template and MLR coefficient and calculates an integrated intensity.


template_wavelength : array
Spectrum wavelengths.
template_spectrum : array
Spectrum in DN.
calibration_curve : array
Conversion from DN to physical units. Assumes format is [DN/unit].
coefficient : float
MLR fit coefficient.


integrated_intensity : float
Integrated template intensity in physical units.
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def integrate_intensity(template_wavelength, template_spectrum, calibration_curve, coefficient):
    Takes a spectrum template and MLR coefficient and calculates an integrated intensity.
    template_wavelength : array
        Spectrum wavelengths.
    template_spectrum : array
        Spectrum in DN.
    calibration_curve : array
        Conversion from DN to physical units. Assumes format is [DN/unit].
    coefficient : float
        MLR fit coefficient.
    integrated_intensity : float
        Integrated template intensity in physical units.

    # determine spectral bin spacing
    dwavelength = np.diff(template_wavelength)[0]

    # calibrate the template
    calibrated_template_spectrum = coefficient * template_spectrum / calibration_curve

    # integrate the template
    integrated_intensity = np.trapz(calibrated_template_spectrum, dx=dwavelength)

    # return the integrated intensity
    return integrated_intensity
def multiple_linear_regression(templates, spectrum, spectrum_error)

Fits an array of templates to a spectrum using multiple linear regression (MLR).


templates : list, arr
Templates to fit to the spectrum in DN.
spectrum : list, arr
An observed spectrum in DN.
spectrum_error : list, arr
The uncertainty on the spectrum values in DN.


coeff : float, arr
The fit coefficients for the templates
const : float
The constant term from the fitting.
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def multiple_linear_regression(templates, spectrum, spectrum_error):
    Fits an array of templates to a spectrum using multiple linear regression (MLR).
    templates : list, arr
        Templates to fit to the spectrum in DN.
    spectrum : list, arr
        An observed spectrum in DN.
    spectrum_error : list, arr
        The uncertainty on the spectrum values in DN.
    coeff : float, arr
        The fit coefficients for the templates
    const : float
        The constant term from the fitting.

    # ensure input templates are an array with two dimensions
    X = np.array(templates)
    if X.ndim == 1:
        np.expand_dims(X, axis=0)

    # transpose templates
    X = X.T

    # ensure spectrum and error are numpy arrays
    Y = np.array(spectrum)
    Yerr = np.array(spectrum_error)

    # convert uncertainty to sample weight
    Yw = (1/Yerr)**2

    # make a linear regression model and fit the spectra with templates
    fit = linear_model.LinearRegression().fit(X, Y, sample_weight=Yw)

    # extract the coefficients and constant term
    coeff = fit.coef_
    const = fit.intercept_

    # return the coefficients and constant term
    return coeff, const