Module maven_iuvs.spice
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import glob
import os
import re
import numpy as np
import spiceypy as spice
def find_latest_kernel(fnamelist_in, part, getlast=False, after=None):
Take a list of kernel file paths and return only the file paths to the latest versions of each kernel.
fnamelist_in : str, arr, list
Input file path(s) of kernels.
part : int
Describes where in the kernel filename the date information resides.
Filename is split by - and _, part is the index of the date component
getlast : bool
Set to true to return the date of the last of the latest kernels. Defaults to False.
after : int
Set to a date to get only kernels later than that date. Date format YYMMDD. Defaults to None.
retlist : list
A list of file paths of the latest kernels.
last : int
The date of the last of the latest kernels. Format YYMMDD.
# store the input filename list internally
fnamelist = fnamelist_in
# if the filename list is not actually a list but just a single string, convert it to a list
if type(fnamelist) == str:
fnamelist = [fnamelist]
# sort the list in reverse order so the most recent kernel appears first in a subset of kernels
# extract the filenames without their version number
filetag = [os.path.basename(f).split("_v")[0] for f in fnamelist]
# without version numbers, there are many repeated filenames, so find a single entry for each kernel
uniquetags, uniquetagindices = np.unique(filetag, return_index=True)
# make a list of the kernels with one entry per kernel
fnamelist = np.array(fnamelist)[uniquetagindices]
# extract the date portions of the kernel file paths
datepart = [re.split('[-_]', os.path.basename(fname))[part]
for fname in fnamelist]
# find the individual dates
uniquedates, uniquedateindex = np.unique(datepart, return_index=True)
# extract the finald ate
last = uniquedates[-1]
# if a date is chosen for after, then include only the latest kernels after the specified date
if after is not None:
retlist = [f for f, d in zip(
fnamelist, datepart) if int(d) >= int(after)]
# otherwise, return all the latest kernels
retlist = [f for f, d in zip(fnamelist, datepart)]
# if user wants, return also the date of the last of the latest kernels
if getlast:
return retlist, last
# otherwise return just the latest kernels
return retlist
def furnsh_array(kernel_array):
Furnish a set of kernels defined in a list or array of their file paths.
kernel_array : list, arr
A list or array of kernel file paths.
[spice.furnsh(k) for k in kernel_array]
def load_sc_ck_type(kerntype, spice_directory, load_predicts=False, load_all_longterm=False):
Furnish CK kernels.
kerntype : str
The type of CK kernel to furnish. We use 'app' and 'sc' with MAVEN/IUVS.
spice_directory : str
Absolute path to your local SPICE directory.
load_predicts : bool
Whether or not to load prediction kernels. Defaults to False.
load_all_longterm : bool
Whether or not to load all of the longterm kernels. Defaults to False, which loads only the last 10.
# set kernel paths
mvn_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'mvn')
ck_path = os.path.join(mvn_kpath, 'ck')
# load the long kernels first
f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_' + kerntype + '_rel_*.bc'))
lastlong = None
longterm_kernels = None
if len(f) > 0:
# use the second date in the week
longterm_kernels, lastlong = find_latest_kernel(f, 4, getlast=True)
# now the daily kernels
f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_' + kerntype + '_red_*.bc'))
day = None
lastday = None
if len(f) > 0:
day, lastday = find_latest_kernel(f, 3, after=lastlong, getlast=True)
# finally the "normal" kernels
f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_' + kerntype + '_rec_*.bc'))
norm = None
if len(f) > 0:
norm = find_latest_kernel(f, 3, after=lastday)
pred_list = None
if load_predicts:
# when we load predictions, they will go here
f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_' + kerntype + '_pred_*.bc'))
if len(f) > 0:
pred_list = find_latest_kernel(f, 3, after=lastday)
# use the last day, because normal kernels are irregular
# use the second date, so if the prediction overlaps the last day, it gets loaded
# unless the /all keyword is set, only load the last 10 long-term kernels
if not load_all_longterm:
longterm_kernels = longterm_kernels[-10:]
# furnish things in the following order so that they are in proper
# priority weekly has highest, then daily, then normal (then
# predictions, if any) so load [pred,]norm,day,week
if load_predicts:
def load_sc_ck(spice_directory, load_cruise=False, load_all_longterm=False):
Furnish CK kernels and mirror kernels, accounting for combined daily mirror kernels.
spice_directory : str
Absolute path to your local SPICE directory.
load_cruise : bool
Whether or not to load kernels from cruise (when MAVEN was en route to Mars). Defaults to False.
load_all_longterm : bool
Whether or not to load all of the longterm kernels. Defaults to False, which loads only the last 10
(see function load_sc_ck_type).
# set kernel paths
mvn_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'mvn')
ck_path = os.path.join(mvn_kpath, 'ck')
# load orientation of Articulated Payload Platform (APP)
load_sc_ck_type('app', spice_directory, load_all_longterm=load_all_longterm)
# load spacecraft orientation
load_sc_ck_type('sc', spice_directory, load_all_longterm=load_all_longterm)
# Load the latest of each days' IUVS mirror kernel
# Since the instrument was not active during September 2014 before MOI, we can consider
# any kernel taken before September 1 2014 to be cruise, and any after to be in-orbit.
f = []
if load_cruise:
# all the 2013 kernels
this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_2013????_v*.bc'))
# all the 2014 cruise kernels
this_f = glob.glob(mvn_kpath + 'ck/mvn_iuv_all_l0_20140[1-8]??_v*.bc')
# Load only mirror kernels after the last combined mirror kernel in the meta kernel !ANC+"spice/mvn/"
# mid August 2017 kernels
this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_2017081[56789]_v*.bc'))
# late August 2017 kernels
this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_201708[23]?_v*.bc'))
# September 2017 kernels
this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_201709??_v*.bc'))
# late 2017 kernels
this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_20171???_v*.bc'))
# 2018-2019 kernels
this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_201[89]????_v*.bc'))
# 2020 kernels
this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_2020????_v*.bc'))
if len(f) > 0:
furnsh_array(find_latest_kernel(f, 4))
def load_sc_spk(spice_directory):
Furnish SPK kernels.
spice_directory : str
Absolute path to your local SPICE directory.
# set kernel paths
mvn_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'mvn')
spk_path = os.path.join(mvn_kpath, 'spk')
# retrieve list of SPK kernels
f = glob.glob(os.path.join(spk_path,
# define lastorb for some reason
lastorb = None
# make an empty list to store kernel file paths
rec = []
# get the latest kernels and return the date of the last of the latest kernels
if len(f) > 0:
rec, lastorb = find_latest_kernel(f, 3, getlast=True)
# get list of SPK prediction kernels
f = glob.glob(os.path.join(spk_path,
# make an empty list to store prediciton kernel file paths
pred = []
# get the latest prediction kernels only for those after the last of the non-prediction kernels
if len(f) > 0:
pred = find_latest_kernel(f, 4, after=lastorb)
# furnish the prediction and non-prediction SPK kernels
def load_sc_sclk(spice_directory):
Furnish SCLK kernels.
spice_directory : str
Absolute path to your local SPICE directory.
# set kernel paths
mvn_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'mvn')
# retrieve list of SCLK kernels
f = glob.glob(os.path.join(mvn_kpath, 'sclk', 'MVN_SCLKSCET.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].tsc'))
# sort the clock kernels
# furnish the clock kernels
def breakup_path(string, splitlength):
Splits a string filename into a list of strings of at most length
splitlength. Necessary because SPICE internals can handle only strings
of a certain length.
string: str
The string to be split
splitlength: int
Max length of string chunks to return
breakup: list
List of strings of at most length splitlength, containing
all of the content of the input string.
breakup = [string[i:i + splitlength]
for i in range(len(string) // splitlength)]
modlength = len(string) % splitlength
if modlength == 0:
return breakup
return breakup
def load_iuvs_spice(spice_directory, load_all_longterm=False):
Load SPICE kernels for MAVEN/IUVS use.
spice_directory : str
Absolute path to your local SPICE directory.
load_all_longterm : bool
Whether or not to load all of the longterm kernels. Defaults to False, which loads only the last 10
(see function load_sc_ck_type).
# set kernel paths
mvn_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'mvn')
generic_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'generic_kernels')
# clear any existing furnished kernels
# break up path names into chunks of length 78 so SPICE can handle it.
path_values = breakup_path(generic_kpath, 78)
spice.pcpool('PATH_VALUES', path_values)
spice.furnsh(generic_kpath + '/')
# break up path names again
path_values = breakup_path(mvn_kpath, 78)
spice.pcpool('PATH_VALUES', path_values)
spice.furnsh(mvn_kpath + '/')
# furnish spacecraft C-kernels (attitude of spacecraft structures or instruments)
load_sc_ck(spice_directory, load_all_longterm=load_all_longterm)
# furnish SP-kernels (ephemeris data (spacecraft physical location))
# furnish spacecraft clock kernels
# furnish the mars system position kernel that gives the location
# of Mars relative to the solar system
spice.furnsh(os.path.join(generic_kpath, 'spk', 'mar097.bsp'))
def breakup_path(string, splitlength)
Splits a string filename into a list of strings of at most length splitlength. Necessary because SPICE internals can handle only strings of a certain length.
- The string to be split
- Max length of string chunks to return
- List of strings of at most length splitlength, containing all of the content of the input string.
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def breakup_path(string, splitlength): """ Splits a string filename into a list of strings of at most length splitlength. Necessary because SPICE internals can handle only strings of a certain length. Parameters ---------- string: str The string to be split splitlength: int Max length of string chunks to return Returns ------- breakup: list List of strings of at most length splitlength, containing all of the content of the input string. """ breakup = [string[i:i + splitlength] for i in range(len(string) // splitlength)] modlength = len(string) % splitlength if modlength == 0: return breakup else: breakup.append(string[-modlength:]) return breakup
def find_latest_kernel(fnamelist_in, part, getlast=False, after=None)
Take a list of kernel file paths and return only the file paths to the latest versions of each kernel.
:str, arr, list
- Input file path(s) of kernels.
- Describes where in the kernel filename the date information resides. Filename is split by - and _, part is the index of the date component
- Set to true to return the date of the last of the latest kernels. Defaults to False.
- Set to a date to get only kernels later than that date. Date format YYMMDD. Defaults to None.
- A list of file paths of the latest kernels.
- The date of the last of the latest kernels. Format YYMMDD.
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def find_latest_kernel(fnamelist_in, part, getlast=False, after=None): """ Take a list of kernel file paths and return only the file paths to the latest versions of each kernel. Parameters ---------- fnamelist_in : str, arr, list Input file path(s) of kernels. part : int Describes where in the kernel filename the date information resides. Filename is split by - and _, part is the index of the date component getlast : bool Set to true to return the date of the last of the latest kernels. Defaults to False. after : int Set to a date to get only kernels later than that date. Date format YYMMDD. Defaults to None. Returns ------- retlist : list A list of file paths of the latest kernels. last : int The date of the last of the latest kernels. Format YYMMDD. """ # store the input filename list internally fnamelist = fnamelist_in # if the filename list is not actually a list but just a single string, convert it to a list if type(fnamelist) == str: fnamelist = [fnamelist] # sort the list in reverse order so the most recent kernel appears first in a subset of kernels fnamelist.sort(reverse=True) # extract the filenames without their version number filetag = [os.path.basename(f).split("_v")[0] for f in fnamelist] # without version numbers, there are many repeated filenames, so find a single entry for each kernel uniquetags, uniquetagindices = np.unique(filetag, return_index=True) # make a list of the kernels with one entry per kernel fnamelist = np.array(fnamelist)[uniquetagindices] # extract the date portions of the kernel file paths datepart = [re.split('[-_]', os.path.basename(fname))[part] for fname in fnamelist] # find the individual dates uniquedates, uniquedateindex = np.unique(datepart, return_index=True) # extract the finald ate last = uniquedates[-1] # if a date is chosen for after, then include only the latest kernels after the specified date if after is not None: retlist = [f for f, d in zip( fnamelist, datepart) if int(d) >= int(after)] # otherwise, return all the latest kernels else: retlist = [f for f, d in zip(fnamelist, datepart)] # if user wants, return also the date of the last of the latest kernels if getlast: return retlist, last # otherwise return just the latest kernels else: return retlist
def furnsh_array(kernel_array)
Furnish a set of kernels defined in a list or array of their file paths.
:list, arr
- A list or array of kernel file paths.
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def furnsh_array(kernel_array): """ Furnish a set of kernels defined in a list or array of their file paths. Parameters ---------- kernel_array : list, arr A list or array of kernel file paths. Returns ------- None. """ [spice.furnsh(k) for k in kernel_array]
def load_iuvs_spice(spice_directory, load_all_longterm=False)
Load SPICE kernels for MAVEN/IUVS use.
- Absolute path to your local SPICE directory.
- Whether or not to load all of the longterm kernels. Defaults to False, which loads only the last 10 (see function load_sc_ck_type).
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def load_iuvs_spice(spice_directory, load_all_longterm=False): """ Load SPICE kernels for MAVEN/IUVS use. Parameters ---------- spice_directory : str Absolute path to your local SPICE directory. load_all_longterm : bool Whether or not to load all of the longterm kernels. Defaults to False, which loads only the last 10 (see function load_sc_ck_type). Returns ------- None. """ # set kernel paths mvn_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'mvn') generic_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'generic_kernels') # clear any existing furnished kernels spice.kclear() # break up path names into chunks of length 78 so SPICE can handle it. path_values = breakup_path(generic_kpath, 78) spice.pcpool('PATH_VALUES', path_values) spice.furnsh(generic_kpath + '/') # break up path names again path_values = breakup_path(mvn_kpath, 78) spice.pcpool('PATH_VALUES', path_values) spice.furnsh(mvn_kpath + '/') # furnish spacecraft C-kernels (attitude of spacecraft structures or instruments) load_sc_ck(spice_directory, load_all_longterm=load_all_longterm) # furnish SP-kernels (ephemeris data (spacecraft physical location)) load_sc_spk(spice_directory) # furnish spacecraft clock kernels load_sc_sclk(spice_directory) # furnish the mars system position kernel that gives the location # of Mars relative to the solar system spice.furnsh(os.path.join(generic_kpath, 'spk', 'mar097.bsp'))
def load_sc_ck(spice_directory, load_cruise=False, load_all_longterm=False)
Furnish CK kernels and mirror kernels, accounting for combined daily mirror kernels.
- Absolute path to your local SPICE directory.
- Whether or not to load kernels from cruise (when MAVEN was en route to Mars). Defaults to False.
- Whether or not to load all of the longterm kernels. Defaults to False, which loads only the last 10 (see function load_sc_ck_type).
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def load_sc_ck(spice_directory, load_cruise=False, load_all_longterm=False): """ Furnish CK kernels and mirror kernels, accounting for combined daily mirror kernels. Parameters ---------- spice_directory : str Absolute path to your local SPICE directory. load_cruise : bool Whether or not to load kernels from cruise (when MAVEN was en route to Mars). Defaults to False. load_all_longterm : bool Whether or not to load all of the longterm kernels. Defaults to False, which loads only the last 10 (see function load_sc_ck_type). Returns ------- None. """ # set kernel paths mvn_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'mvn') ck_path = os.path.join(mvn_kpath, 'ck') # load orientation of Articulated Payload Platform (APP) load_sc_ck_type('app', spice_directory, load_all_longterm=load_all_longterm) # load spacecraft orientation load_sc_ck_type('sc', spice_directory, load_all_longterm=load_all_longterm) # Load the latest of each days' IUVS mirror kernel # Since the instrument was not active during September 2014 before MOI, we can consider # any kernel taken before September 1 2014 to be cruise, and any after to be in-orbit. f = [] if load_cruise: # all the 2013 kernels this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_2013????_v*.bc')) f.extend(this_f) # all the 2014 cruise kernels this_f = glob.glob(mvn_kpath + 'ck/mvn_iuv_all_l0_20140[1-8]??_v*.bc') f.extend(this_f) # Load only mirror kernels after the last combined mirror kernel in the meta kernel !ANC+"spice/mvn/" # mid August 2017 kernels this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_2017081[56789]_v*.bc')) f.extend(this_f) # late August 2017 kernels this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_201708[23]?_v*.bc')) f.extend(this_f) # September 2017 kernels this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_201709??_v*.bc')) f.extend(this_f) # late 2017 kernels this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_20171???_v*.bc')) f.extend(this_f) # 2018-2019 kernels this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_201[89]????_v*.bc')) f.extend(this_f) # 2020 kernels this_f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_iuv_all_l0_2020????_v*.bc')) f.extend(this_f) if len(f) > 0: furnsh_array(find_latest_kernel(f, 4))
def load_sc_ck_type(kerntype, spice_directory, load_predicts=False, load_all_longterm=False)
Furnish CK kernels.
- The type of CK kernel to furnish. We use 'app' and 'sc' with MAVEN/IUVS.
- Absolute path to your local SPICE directory.
- Whether or not to load prediction kernels. Defaults to False.
- Whether or not to load all of the longterm kernels. Defaults to False, which loads only the last 10.
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def load_sc_ck_type(kerntype, spice_directory, load_predicts=False, load_all_longterm=False): """ Furnish CK kernels. Parameters ---------- kerntype : str The type of CK kernel to furnish. We use 'app' and 'sc' with MAVEN/IUVS. spice_directory : str Absolute path to your local SPICE directory. load_predicts : bool Whether or not to load prediction kernels. Defaults to False. load_all_longterm : bool Whether or not to load all of the longterm kernels. Defaults to False, which loads only the last 10. Returns ------- None. """ # set kernel paths mvn_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'mvn') ck_path = os.path.join(mvn_kpath, 'ck') # load the long kernels first f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_' + kerntype + '_rel_*.bc')) lastlong = None longterm_kernels = None if len(f) > 0: # use the second date in the week longterm_kernels, lastlong = find_latest_kernel(f, 4, getlast=True) # now the daily kernels f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_' + kerntype + '_red_*.bc')) day = None lastday = None if len(f) > 0: day, lastday = find_latest_kernel(f, 3, after=lastlong, getlast=True) # finally the "normal" kernels f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_' + kerntype + '_rec_*.bc')) norm = None if len(f) > 0: norm = find_latest_kernel(f, 3, after=lastday) pred_list = None if load_predicts: # when we load predictions, they will go here f = glob.glob(os.path.join(ck_path, 'mvn_' + kerntype + '_pred_*.bc')) if len(f) > 0: pred_list = find_latest_kernel(f, 3, after=lastday) # use the last day, because normal kernels are irregular # use the second date, so if the prediction overlaps the last day, it gets loaded # unless the /all keyword is set, only load the last 10 long-term kernels if not load_all_longterm: longterm_kernels = longterm_kernels[-10:] # furnish things in the following order so that they are in proper # priority weekly has highest, then daily, then normal (then # predictions, if any) so load [pred,]norm,day,week furnsh_array(norm) furnsh_array(day) furnsh_array(longterm_kernels) if load_predicts: furnsh_array(pred_list)
def load_sc_sclk(spice_directory)
Furnish SCLK kernels.
- Absolute path to your local SPICE directory.
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def load_sc_sclk(spice_directory): """ Furnish SCLK kernels. Parameters ---------- spice_directory : str Absolute path to your local SPICE directory. Returns ------- None. """ # set kernel paths mvn_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'mvn') # retrieve list of SCLK kernels f = glob.glob(os.path.join(mvn_kpath, 'sclk', 'MVN_SCLKSCET.[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].tsc')) # sort the clock kernels f.sort() # furnish the clock kernels furnsh_array(f)
def load_sc_spk(spice_directory)
Furnish SPK kernels.
- Absolute path to your local SPICE directory.
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def load_sc_spk(spice_directory): """ Furnish SPK kernels. Parameters ---------- spice_directory : str Absolute path to your local SPICE directory. Returns ------- None. """ # set kernel paths mvn_kpath = os.path.join(spice_directory, 'mvn') spk_path = os.path.join(mvn_kpath, 'spk') # retrieve list of SPK kernels f = glob.glob(os.path.join(spk_path, 'trj_orb_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_rec*.bsp')) # define lastorb for some reason lastorb = None # make an empty list to store kernel file paths rec = [] # get the latest kernels and return the date of the last of the latest kernels if len(f) > 0: rec, lastorb = find_latest_kernel(f, 3, getlast=True) # get list of SPK prediction kernels f = glob.glob(os.path.join(spk_path, 'trj_orb_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' '*.bsp')) # make an empty list to store prediciton kernel file paths pred = [] # get the latest prediction kernels only for those after the last of the non-prediction kernels if len(f) > 0: pred = find_latest_kernel(f, 4, after=lastorb) # furnish the prediction and non-prediction SPK kernels furnsh_array(pred) furnsh_array(rec)